How to Get a Master’s Degree in Social work

Adebayo Lamidi
5 min readJul 15, 2022

Master’s Degree in Social work

Who is this blog for?

This article is helpful for anyone who wants to go to university, study social work, or study in the UK, US, or Canada. You do not need any qualifications for this blog — all you need is a passion for people and an interest in helping them live happier lives.

What does it take to apply for a master’s degree in social work?

To apply for a master’s degree in social work, you must be:

A citizen or permanent resident of an EEA country (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, and the Czech Republic) or Switzerland. In addition to having lived in one of these countries for at least three years before the start of your program;

A family member of an EEA/Swiss citizen or permanent resident;

Have good levels of spoken and written English;

Have good levels of spoken and written German;

How to write your statement? — Transferable skills

What are transferable skills?

Transferable skills are those that you can use in a variety of different settings, regardless of the profession you choose to pursue. This means that if you have specific skills, they will be helpful no matter your job or career path.

What are the most important transferable skills for a social worker?

The best way to answer this personally is by looking at my experience as an intern with one of our local non-profit organizations. I had never been directly involved with people before; instead, my role was more administrative than hands-on — but it was not long before I found myself getting involved in community events and volunteering locally (and even internationally).

How to write your statement? — Lived experience

The personal statement is the essential part of your application. It is where you tell the admissions committee who you are and why they should accept you into their program. Several things can be done to make your personal statement more appealing to an admissions committee. Still, one of the most effective ways is by writing about a lived experience.

A lived experience can be anything from an event that has impacted your life positively or negatively, such as a significant illness or injury, having experienced homelessness, being homeless with no home, living with parents who have had alcohol problems, etc…

How to write your personal statement? — Academic and voluntary work experience

What kind of student are you?

Do you have any special skills that would be helpful in the course?

How did your volunteer experience help you to develop as a person, and how did it prepare you for employment in social work?

Is there anything else that could be used to assess whether or not this course will meet your needs, such as relevant work experience, language skills, and previous education/study history?

What do you need to know if you are accepted before you start studying?

What do you need to know if you are accepted before you start studying?

Social work is a profession that requires you to be a good listener. Social workers listen carefully and empathize when their clients talk about their problems. They also listen carefully when people explain how they want the social worker’s help or what they think needs to change for them to feel better.

Social workers must also be empathetic towards their clients by understanding why they behave in specific ways and respecting those reasons even if they disagree with them. For example, if someone has had an accident on his or her bike and now feels scared riding his motorcycle again because he has been told by doctors at the hospital that he should stay off bikes until further notice because it could cause more severe injuries than before (e., recurrent brain damage), then the social worker may not think twice about advising him against riding again until further notice — even though this may seem extreme compared with other options such as buying protective gear instead of relying solely on helmets alone which might not provide adequate protection from future falls onto pavement surfaces due primarily because most riders lack proper training/experience when it comes down to handling emergency situations like these ones involving mobility issues related directly back toward uphill climbs where traction plays out differently than downhill slopes where traction plays out differently yet again depending upon terrain type used during certain times throughout each day cycle: mornings vs evenings hour by hour cycle patterning trends over months-long periods too.

Studying while working is a challenge!

You might think that studying for your degree in social work would be easy, but it can be quite the opposite. This is because you must balance your studies and work. Suppose you don’t find the time to study or find the energy, motivation, and mental space. In that case, your chances of completing your degree will be meager. You may also struggle financially and cannot find support from family or friends busy with their own lives.

What does it feel like to study social work theory?

The theory is essential to understanding how social work works. It can help you understand social work’s context, which includes external and internal factors. For instance, if you are working with a client who has been abused by their spouse or partner, there may be an issue with trust that needs to be addressed by the counselor. This would be an external factor concerning your skill set and ability as a professional practitioner. The theory also helps explain why it’s essential for practitioners to have specific skills when working with clients — for example, empathy or compassion — and how these skills are used consistently throughout all aspects of your practice (therapy sessions).

What does it feel like to study advanced social work intervention skills?

After graduating with your master’s degree in social work, what does it feel like to study advanced social work intervention skills? It feels great! You will have the opportunity to learn about all the tools and techniques that will help you become a better clinician. In addition, you can use this new knowledge when caring for patients at home or in community settings. By using these techniques daily and reflecting on how they worked for your clients, this experience will make them even more effective than before because they know exactly what works best when interacting with others who may be struggling with issues such as depression or addiction recovery (depending on which type of clientele they serve).

I wish I could have read a blog like this while going through the application process.

As a person who has been through the application process and is now getting ready to start my graduate degree, I wish I could have read a blog like this when I was going through the application process.

I am not sure why, but everyone accepted into an MFA program is either an artist or writer (or both). When I applied for grad school, there was no mention of any other type of social work education that might help me apply for jobs as an independent practitioner later.



Adebayo Lamidi

Web 3 | NFT | Metaverse Researcher and Writer. A lover of art